In addition to being a medical advocate, I am also a public relations consultant and former college English teacher. I think it is this combination of past and present lives that causes me to try to do such a thorough job of research before posting articles and audio interviews on this website.
Often, my pre-article and pre-interview research gleans some wonderful discoveries. For instance, in preparing for my upcoming interview with Dr. Ronald Hoffman, author of several wonderful books, including (with my friend Sidney Stevens,) the recent How to Talk With Your Doctor: The Guide for Patients And Their Physicians Who Want to Reconcile And Use the Best of Conventional And Alternative Medicine, I came across a veritable treasure trove: Dr. Hoffman’s incredible, information-packed radio interviews on New York’s WOR-AM Radio website. The fact that these interviews (going back to July of 2006) are online and available for download, is a gift to anyone who cares about integrative medicine.
Dr. Hoffman himself is an inspiration: He conducts 10 hours worth of interviews every week with some of the most important experts in the area of integrative (or, to use Dr. Hoffman’s word, “intelligent”) medicine.
I urge visitors to this WOR-Radio site to listen to these interviews. You’ll find that Dr. Hoffman, who calls himself a proponent of “intelligent medicine,” and has, in fact, written a book with that title, maintains an extremely high standard in his choice of topics and guests.
Among my favorite of Dr. Hoffman's recent guests:
1) Dr. Michael Holick (MD, PhD), author of the very important book, The UV Advantage: The Medical Breakthrough That Shows How to Harness the Power of the Sun for Your Health. Because of this controversial book, Dr. Holick was asked to resign from his position in Boston University’s Department of Dermatology. (You may read about him on Dr. Ralph Moss's website, and listen to Dr. Hoffman’s interview with him, as well.)
2) Integrative physician, Dr. Fred Pescatore (MD), on the topic of Children’s Health. (Dr. Pescatore, who served as a consultant for me when my husband was so ill, is the author of several wonderful books, including: Feed Your Kids Well: How to Help Your Child Lose Weight and Get Healthy and The Allergy and Asthma Cure: A Complete Eight-Step Nutritonal Program.)
3) Medical Writer Bill Sardi and Tufts University Professor of Nutrition, Dr. Jeffrey Blumberg, in two separate interviews on the controversy surrounding the recent article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), on the highly flawed study linking anti-oxidants with all sorts of unlikely complications, including death! (For those of you who are surprised when JAMA publishes articles about studies that seem skewed, please read my 3-part article, “The JAMA Controversy.”)
4) Dr. David Brownstein's discussion of his book, "Drugs That Don't Work and Natural Therapies That Do."
But please, don’t listen ONLY to these interviews. Go to the WOR-Radio site, and scroll down to find the interviews that pique your interest. Trust me, there will be several! Then you will see why I can’t wait to interview Dr. Hoffman for!