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August 18, 2007


Bob Markovic

I would like to make an appointment to see Dr. Hoffman. Please forward tel # and address.


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My 9 yr old son was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis four months ago. He did not respond well to the ant inflamitory drugs so he has been on prednisone. He is also on 6MP while they try to wein him off of the steroids. So far he has not been able to be weined off. His dr wants to put him on remicane then, if that doesn't work ,surgery to remove colon. Can Dr. Hoffman possibly help him?

Dr. claudine boros

I am taking levothyroxine 25 MCG for a thyroid problem. How did I get this thyroid problem? How could I get rid of this problem i.e. what diet or nutritional supplements could I take?
This medicine is making me gain weight and become very tired.

What could I do?

Dr. Boros
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I agree with Dr. Hoffman’s belief that there is a “populist revolution” . We can see it right now.

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