1) NEW: Honest Medicine on the Blogs – This posting features several comments left on blogs, such as the New York Times’ Well Blog and the Salon.com blog, in response to postings relevant to HonestMedicine’s mission. Among the subjects these blogs and comments addressed are: patients who research their symptoms online (“Googling”); mammograms; Dr. Christiane Northrup’s appearance, discussing thyroid disease, on the Oprah Winfrey Show; doctors who “steal hope”; and the overuse of diagnostic scans.
2) Rave Review: “An Uncertain Inheritance: Writers on Caring for Family”
This collection, beautifully edited by author Nell Casey is, by far, one of the most touching anthologies on the topic of caregiving -- filled with real-life accounts by writers, some famous and some not-so-famous. Some of the best writing on this topic that I have read in many years. The book contains fascinating personal essays by such writers as: Stan Mack, Dr. Jerome Groopman, Eleanor Cooley, Ann Hood, Abigail Thomas and Susan Lehman. There is also a wonderful introduction by Frank McCourt.
3) HonestMedicine’s "SiCKO Files":
♣ Honest Medicine's Review of Michael Moore's SiCKO, was noticed by several websites, including one that hailed it as "a superb review from someone who knows." Michael Moore also linked to it from his website!
♣ Audio Interview with SiCKO “hitman” Lee Einer. In this interview Lee shares insurance industry "secrets" not included in the film.
♣ Article #1 Written By Lee Einer: "Faux Health Insurance for the Self-Employed: The Sham, The Scam, The Shame of It." This is the first in what will hopefully be a series of articles written by Lee Einer, the man Michael Moore called the Insurance Industry "Hitman" in SiCKO. It was Lee's job to make sure the insurance companies he worked for were saved from paying just about ANY large bill -- no matter what he had to do. This article is truly enlightening -- and frightening!
♣ Article #2 Written By Lee Einer: “The Truth About Self-Funded Plans.” The second in our series of articles written by Lee Einer, SiCKO’s "Hitman." In this article, Lee tells about a second kind of “insurance” that can be deceptive.
4) Honest Medicine’s Inspiration: Timothy Mark Fisher
March 13, 1949 – November 8, 2005
My husband Tim Fisher was first diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor in September, 1990. For fifteen years, until he died in November, 2005, we navigated our flawed medical system together. My tribute to him was written on the second anniversary of his death, and contains several wonderful true stories about Tim. He was, and continues to be, an inspiration.
5) Honest Medicine’s Audios
♣ Ronald Hoffman, MD, Integrative Physician/Author -- In this interview, Dr. Hoffman discusses his integrative approach to the treatment of many diseases, including cancer. Also included: a discussion of the ways in which so-called "trials" or "studies" of natural treatments are often intentionally set so that they will "fail."
♣ Nutritionist Liz Lipski -- This interview contains discussions of local/organic foods, hospital food and her books, Digestive Wellness and Digestive Wellness for Children.
♣ Integrative Cancer Specialist Dr. James Belanger -- This innovative naturopathic physician discusses his use of blood tests and natural supplements for keeping his patients' cancers in remission.
♣ Lee Einer, SiCKO "Hitman" -- see above
April, 2008: Some of Honest Medicine’s Most Popular Articles and Audios
1) NEW: Honest Medicine on the Blogs – This posting features several comments left on blogs, such as the New York Times’ Well Blog and the Salon.com blog, in response to postings relevant to HonestMedicine’s mission. Among the subjects these blogs and comments addressed are: patients who research their symptoms online (“Googling”); mammograms; Dr. Christiane Northrup’s appearance, discussing thyroid disease, on the Oprah Winfrey Show; doctors who “steal hope”; and the overuse of diagnostic scans.
2) Rave Review: “An Uncertain Inheritance: Writers on Caring for Family”
This collection, beautifully edited by author Nell Casey is, by far, one of the most touching anthologies on the topic of caregiving -- filled with real-life accounts by writers, some famous and some not-so-famous. Some of the best writing on this topic that I have read in many years. The book contains fascinating personal essays by such writers as: Stan Mack, Dr. Jerome Groopman, Eleanor Cooley, Ann Hood, Abigail Thomas and Susan Lehman. There is also a wonderful introduction by Frank McCourt.
3) HonestMedicine’s "SiCKO Files":
♣ Honest Medicine's Review of Michael Moore's SiCKO, was noticed by several websites, including one that hailed it as "a superb review from someone who knows." Michael Moore also linked to it from his website!
♣ Audio Interview with SiCKO “hitman” Lee Einer. In this interview Lee shares insurance industry "secrets" not included in the film.
♣ Article #1 Written By Lee Einer: "Faux Health Insurance for the Self-Employed: The Sham, The Scam, The Shame of It." This is the first in what will hopefully be a series of articles written by Lee Einer, the man Michael Moore called the Insurance Industry "Hitman" in SiCKO. It was Lee's job to make sure the insurance companies he worked for were saved from paying just about ANY large bill -- no matter what he had to do. This article is truly enlightening -- and frightening!
♣ Article #2 Written By Lee Einer: “The Truth About Self-Funded Plans.” The second in our series of articles written by Lee Einer, SiCKO’s "Hitman." In this article, Lee tells about a second kind of “insurance” that can be deceptive.
4) Honest Medicine’s Inspiration: Timothy Mark Fisher
March 13, 1949 – November 8, 2005
My husband Tim Fisher was first diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor in September, 1990. For fifteen years, until he died in November, 2005, we navigated our flawed medical system together. My tribute to him was written on the second anniversary of his death, and contains several wonderful true stories about Tim. He was, and continues to be, an inspiration.
5) Honest Medicine’s Audios
♣ Ronald Hoffman, MD, Integrative Physician/Author -- In this interview, Dr. Hoffman discusses his integrative approach to the treatment of many diseases, including cancer. Also included: a discussion of the ways in which so-called "trials" or "studies" of natural treatments are often intentionally set so that they will "fail."
♣ Nutritionist Liz Lipski -- This interview contains discussions of local/organic foods, hospital food and her books, Digestive Wellness and Digestive Wellness for Children.
♣ Integrative Cancer Specialist Dr. James Belanger -- This innovative naturopathic physician discusses his use of blood tests and natural supplements for keeping his patients' cancers in remission.
♣ Lee Einer, SiCKO "Hitman" -- see above
Posted at 10:47 PM in Archived Articles, Blog Comments, Books, Caregiving, Family Caregiving, Guest Columnists, PODCASTS / INTERVIEWS, SiCKO "Hitman" Lee Einer, Tim Fisher, Weblogs | Permalink | Comments (10)
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