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March 16, 2009


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Blogs are good for every one where we get lots of information for any topics nice job keep it up !!!

Gregory D. Pawelski

I recommended Ann Fonfa of the Annie Appleseed Project. The Annie Appleseed Project, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, provides information, education, advocacy, and awareness for people with cancer and their family and friends who are interested in complementary or alternative medicine (CAM) and natural therapies from a patient's perspective. They are an all volunteer organization. Ann Fonfa, founder of The Annie Appleseed Project and a breast cancer survivor, has testified in Congress and to the Food & Drug Administration about a patient's need for CAM information.

I made one major suggestiong on the Recommendations on the National Priorities for Comparative Effectiveness Research in Health Care website. I have submitted an idea to the survey tool about comparing the effectiveness of various cell culture and genetic assay technologies for targeted as well as conventional cancer treatment. The purpose of the study would be to show what cell culture or genetic assay technologies really work.


Hi Julia & everyone,

I wanted to let people know the 23 March deadline has been extended. The Membership Committee was posted on 3/19/09, so according to the below, comments will be accepted up to 20 days after that. So people still have time to comment.

Per the NAS website, it states "Viewers may communicate with the National Academies at any time over the project's duration. In addition, formal comments on the provisional appointments to a committee of the National Academies are solicited during the 20-calendar day period following the posting of the membership and, as described below, these comments will be considered before committee membership is finalized. We welcome your comments (Use the Feedback link below).

Here's the website address to see the committe and the feedback section is at the bottom of the member's page:

Thanks, Julia, for alerting us to this and for your continued advocacy.

God Bless You ~~ Joyce


This is a very interesting post and a informative perspective.



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