Low dose naltrexone (LDN), one of the treatments I’ve showcased several times on HonestMedicine (here, here, here and here), has been in the online media quite a bit lately. It even has an online radio show devoted entirely to it! So, the word is getting out to more and more patients with autoimmune diseases (like MS, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease) that this low-cost, extremely safe, FDA-approved (at much higher doses), off-label medication is a very effective treatment, and that -- in many cases -- it has proved to be more effective than the medications doctors most often prescribe.
NOTE: LDN is one of the lifesaving, but so-called “anecdotal,” treatments I will be featuring in my upcoming book, Against All Medical Advice: Lifesaving Treatments that Work when the “Standard of Care” Fails You.
One program, Mary Boyle Bradley’s Internet radio show on Blog Talk Radio, is devoted entirely to low dose naltrexone. On her show, Mary, whose husband’s MS was helped immeasurably by LDN, interviews medical experts and patient advocates alike. In a future posting, I will tell more about this show. In the meantime, you may listen to it live on Tuesdays at Noon, and past episodes are available online.
LDN on Wellness Talk Radio with Kris Costello
Kris Costello will interview LDN advocate SammyJo Wilkinson and Elaine Moore, co-authors of The Promise of Low Dose Naltrexone, on Wellness Talk Radio on Wednesday, July 22nd, and Saturday, July 25th.
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