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May 19, 2008


Vicki Finlayson

I am a huge advocate in N. Calif. for LDN. I have had MS for 12 years had horrific pain, among various other MS problems. My life consisted of high doses os Norco, oxicottin, morphine and many other meds. Mon the 19 I completed a 53 mile walk in 95-100 degree temps to our State Capitol to bring more attention to this drug. My hopes were to meet with Governor Schwarzenegger, unfortunately he was busy but I was able to meet with 2 of his top officials. The Sacramento Bee did an amazing job covering my walk and one of our local TV stations. Together we can become one BIG voice and change health care. We are strong we have the passion!!!!!!!

Lane Graysen

Too bad so many in this country put money above EVERYTHING! Who can we trust?
I have several autoimmune
diseases & can't seem to find any help.
How can I find someone who could help me with LDN?

Greg Bravo


Contact the people at


Elise Krog

What a fantastic website!!!

I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis 6 years ago and have been on ldn for just over a year. I am always trying new things and recently bought a pod that uses ozone, infrared and rife altogether and have been having increased energy and am walking better (still using stick but more confidant).

I would like to suggest that you add ozone treatments to your list of effective treatments that are swept under the carpet.

Elise Krog

Just one more comment ...
Another very powerful treatment is cayenne pepper. It cleans out the blood thus reducing or eliminating clots and also helps the blood to clot when it is out of the body - ie much better than asprin type products that can cause you to bleed out.

gillian broughton



Hi Julia: We can sure use some of that Silverlon for our friend Mollie, who has had a non-healing diabetic-type wound for two years now.

THANK YOU for all your superb work on behalf of suffering people who so often get the runaround from their MDs, or encounter MDs who have just never heard of these lifesaving treatments.


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I am so happy to find this site and to add myself to your list of advocates for Silverlon therapy. I have suffered tremendous pain and given up most of my life's activities for the last 5 years due to an aggressive MRSA (Antibiotic Resistant Staph Aureus), infection. No combination of antibiotics, therapy or pain relief worked and I, at times, wanted to just give up out of dispair. Then I was sent to see Dr. A. Bart Flick, he started using Silverlon dressings on my legs and now just one month later I can see more results than in the last 5 years!
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