Julia Schopick’s Honest Medicine Podcast will introduce you to innovative, cutting-edge treatments for life-threatening diseases—treatments that have helped thousands of people throughout the world when treatments their doctors prescribed for them have failed.
Her guests will include physicians who have pioneered these treatments, as well as patients who have found similar ones through their own research. Julia will also interview thought leaders who have blown the whistle on various branches of a medical system that keep patients from getting the care they deserve. This includes whistleblowers from the pharmaceutical and insurance industries.
Please join Julia on this journey. She looks forward to being with you.
Podcast Archive 2006-2011
Dr. James Belanger: The Naturopathic Treatment of Cancer
Honest Medicine's Interview with Digestion Expert and Author, Nutritionist Elizabeth Lipski, PhD
Dr. Burt Berkson on Honest Medicine
Dr. Ronald Hoffman on Honest Medicine
SiCKO “Hitman” Shares Insurance Industry Secrets with Honest Medicine
Julia's Guest Interviews
Patients Educating Doctors: Do's and Don'ts
Julia is interviewed by Ric Bratton
HONEST MEDICINE on Frankie Boyer's Health Show
HONEST MEDICINE on Frankie Boyer's Lifestyle Show
HONEST MEDICINE on Frankie Boyer's Health Show